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Beginning on 5/14/2024 at 11:30PM, our Fraud Prevention Team detected a large number of transactions coming from three different vendors located in the United Kingdom.  With the use of software and Artificial Intelligence, bad actors are guessing the debit card numbers that are held with Santa Fe FCU and attempting to charge small dollar amounts.  There were a limited number of transactions that made it through to our members accounts, but beginning at 11:30PM, all transactions attempted from these vendors were stopped.  Member cards were set to stop all inbound transactions pending review.    We will be reviewing all cards impacted and making contact with members who will be needing new cards.  If you have any questions, please contact your local branch for assistance.


Be assured that there has not been any breach of data by Santa Fe FCU or other third party vendors.  All precautions that can be taken are in place to protect your accounts.   
